Reston Family Center was founded
to provide specialized professional counseling,
evaluation and assessment services to families and individuals in transition
involved in the legal system. Services include custody evaluation, directed
co-parenting counseling, parent coordination, psychological testing and
assessment, pre-separation or divorce consultation, child, adolescent
and adult
psychotherapies and consultation to courts and attorneys.
Custody evaluations are comprehensive assessments of families designed
to assist
parents, attorneys and courts in determination of appropriate custody
visitation issues. Through specialized interviews, diagnostic tests and
observations the psychological and physical needs of the child are matched
the emotional and parenting strengths of the adults. Families are coached
understanding the developmental needs of the child through the separation,
divorce and visitation process. The custody evaluation remains independent
a primary focus on the needs of the child.
Directed co-parenting counseling or parent coordination is a child centered
process directed by an expert in child development and family functioning
the purposes of improving child care practices between two parents. Directed
co-parenting intervention assists parents in developing improved communications
and decision making skills to enhance the growth and development of children.
Families often utilize the services of Dr. Farber and Reston Family Center
review issues of family separation and divorce to minimize impact on themselves
and their children. Comprehensive counseling services are provided to
adolescents and adults impacted by life’s transactions. Consultation
services to
attorneys’ and court systems clarify an individual or families’
strengths or needs. Comprehensive assessment services are provided privately
various forensic needs.